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My name is Gwyneth Thomas! I am from Northern Kentucky, but embracing this identity has been challenging my whole life. For those not familiar with the situation, let me briefly explain. People in other parts of Kentucky view Northern Kentuckians as different, because in many ways we do not possess the same southern culture many of them identify with. Many times, when asked, I identify as being from Cincinnati, but because of state lines created long ago this is a false identity and leads to further confusion when people dig too deep and ask where in Cincinnati I am from. So now you see the dilemma. Even with its identity challenges, however, Northern Kentucky culture is very interesting. Everyone knows everyone and if you don't know someone your mom, or cousin, or 4th cousin twice removed probably does. It was growing up in this tight knit community that gave me a passion for contributing to its development. I have long had a drive for serving others, something I can attribute to my upbringing and the charitable spirit at the University of Cincinnati. This passion has manifested itself in many different ways over the course of my life, but most recently it has led me to a combined degree pursuing business and art. I am a Finance and Real Estate major in the Lindner College of Business with a minor in Architectural Studies from the College of Design, Art, Architecture, and Planning. I hope this education will provide the resources to enable me to play a leading role in future development in the Greater Cincinnati Area and beyond. The real estate industry, as a powerful expression of capitalism, can be responsible for significant social impact-- both positive and negative. It is my hope as I enter my third year that through my University of Cincinnati education, as well as my campus involvements, I will gain the skills and insight necessary to combine real estate with social impact and make a positive difference. 


To see reflections about my second year experience and involvements see the INVOLVEMENTS page. 


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I am a 3rd Degree Sr. Black Belt and also a Level 4 certified Taekwondo instructor 

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I am trained in ballet, tap, jazz, and hip hop 

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My favorite hobby is to make art. I typically work with charcoal or colored pencil mediums. 

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